Good evening, and welcome to our Film Show special about the future of cinema. I am joined by Ian Trent, head of the BFI. Now Ian, can you tell us what to expect?
Ian Trent
Yes. The future will be making great use of technology developed over the last decade; CGI and motion capture. By 2020 we can expect to see all actors in all films played by Andy Serkis.
All of them?!
Ian Trent
Well, no. Admittedly, what with playing every lead and every member of the backing cast, Serkis won’t have time to perform the roles of oversized monsters, sentient apes, or hobbits corrupted by a magical ring. Instead, these will be bred in specialist Hollywood labs.
But won’t that have side-effects? I mean, what happens if one of them –
Ian Trent
Yes, unfortunately. With only one actor to speak of, a lot of the auxiliary jobs in Hollywood will become defunct. There would be a single casting agent, and red carpet events would consist of Andy Serkis arriving, eating a single vol-au-vent, and graciously accepting the single glass of champagne offered by the single waiter.
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